Wednesday, July 15, 2020

World Cruise Update!

Thought the WC was done? Nope.

A huge issue when we got off the ship in Fremantle AUS was luggage. Since we were supposed to depart/arrive from Ft. Lauderdale a lot of people brought a lot of luggage. Imagine a four month cruise with casual, formal, tropics and Antarctica. Some bring their own bedding/food/glassware/liquor/wine, etc. I don't understand why you travel if you need to bring your own plants (yes, one lady down the hall had more houseplants in her cabin than I do in my house), bedding and food but that's just me.

So people freaked out. How do you get your 20 trunks/boxes home? I just dragged my 3 suitcases to the airport with me. Others left their luggage on the ship, which would head back to Ft. Lauderdale. But because of Covid-19, the Amsterdam has been stuck in Asia trying to disembark the crew, which they have, all but essential crew to operate the ship.

News finally came today unofficially that all luggage has been put on a cargo ship and that ship is scheduled to dock in Ft. Lauderdale on August 27. Which means, luggage should be available for passengers to pick up in mid-September.

The agreement Holland America made with passengers was that you could leave unlimited luggage on board at no fee. But only if you were a Florida resident and personally picked up the luggage in Fort Lauderdale. Given how 2020 has gone so far, I expect the luggage to arrive about the same time as a hurricane and the octogenarians picking up their stuff.

A lot of the passengers who cruise the majority of the year have "cruise clothes". I, just a regular person, just have clothes and would have been screwed without my luggage for six months.

All this talk about luggage reminded me of one of my favorite comedians, George Carlin. Here he is doing a bit about "stuff".

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