Thursday, January 9, 2025

January 9, 2025 - Another Thursday in Cartagena

 After another great night's sleep I headed out for my walk this morning and realized I left my phone/camera in the apartment.  So, no photos of my morning stroll.  Instead, I've got some random photos, including humorous translations from the grocery store website I used today.

Morning view from my balcony.

My view to one side is the Old City.  

The beaches were still mostly empty at 8 a.m. but were packed later.

Delivery is so cheap and easy that I've either done that or just snacked.  I am finally back to cooking. 

The Ikea of OJ.

I have been to Tahiti, twice.  Never saw a single lemon tree there.

This appeals to my cheap soul.

And it just gets better!

Free the Beef!  Viva la Revolucion!

I am unfamiliar with Koller Meat.  Beef, pork, chicken...Koller.

So.  Many.  Jokes.

Excellent movie title!  Turkeys of the Field.

I was reading on the balcony last night when fireworks started.  This is the third night of fireworks since I arrived and this bunch seemed the most spectacular.  They lasted more than 15 minutes.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

January 7, 2025 - Visit to the Old City to See the Christmas Lights

 Juan Carlos picked me up at 6 and instead of heading immediately to the Old City, we went the opposite direction to Castillogrande.  I'd seen an ad for a long term rental and wanted to see the neighborhood.  I was impressed.

I was also impressed with the amount of traffic in Bocagrande, all headed toward the Old City.  We joined the stop and go traffic and I was glad it was Juan Carlos driving and not me.  Driving here requires nerves of steel.  Or, a tank.  One of the "cons" of moving here are the narrow streets and lack of parking.  I can't imagine driving here.

Luckily, it is only a couple of miles from Bocagrande to the Old City but the traffic got even heavier once we drove through "the wall" to get into the city.

The streets were full of people, motorcycles and cars.  JC's plan was to drop me off near a main plaza, park and then return to find me on foot.  Given the crowds, I was concerned I'd never see him again, so suggested we park and walk together.  But the parking lot was full.  We drove on but I'd had it.  It felt way more like NYE in Time's Square than the Cartagena I remember from a couple of decades ago. 

We turned around to leave (that alone was a feat!) and got stuck in more traffic because a car had just hit a  motorcycle.  JC suggested we try again next week.  There should be fewer tourists and the Christmas lights will still be up.  I was a bit disappointed but it was still fun to go for a drive and chat with JC.

Here are the photos I got from the car.

The lights in front of my building.  I'm not sure why butterflies for Christmas but they're pretty.

The wall of lights behind the tree in the lobby is cool.

The lobby is large, clean and no one is allowed in unless they live there.  I appreciate the security.

Not a great shot through the windshield but you get an idea of how quiet the neighborhood where the possible apartment is.  At the very end of Castillogrande, just before the private Club Naval which is apparently like a country club for Naval officers.

The building is new.

Not a great photo but each condo has a huge balcony with great views.

The view from the malecon next to the building.

And, the traffic began.  The Rappi delivery drivers deserve tips.  The traffic is nuts.
There are some spectacular lights between Bocagrande and the Old City.  

I can parallel park.  But here there are literally a few inches between the parked cars in the narrow streets.

Blurry, but cool lights over one of the narrow streets.  

The streets are alive with people, music and lights.

Note the people using this street as a sidewalk.  It is not a pedestrian street.  Have I mentioned driving is a challenge?  One day, a woman who appeared to be an American from a cruise ship (based on the tour sticker she was wearing), was standing in the street, chatting away to her friends while we tried to drive past.  She never noticed the car inches from her back.

Many of the streets have lights over the streets.

The parking lot and street parking seemed to be full.

I was not at all surprised that an accident happened while we were there.  The drivers do an amazing dance with the pedestrians.

One of the many church domes.

All these motorcycles parked on the edge of the Old City belong to the workers who drive in every day.

Note there are three lanes on this narrow road?  And which direction they're going?  I thought traffic was something in Mandalay, Myanmar.  Cartagena ranks right up there.

I'd enjoy staying in the Old City for a couple of days.  It is great for wandering around on foot.  But I was so glad to get home to my tranquil balcony.

January 8, 2025 - Best Morning Yet

 My landlady asked me to vacate the apartment on Wednesday mornings so the cleaning woman could do her thing.  You don't have to ask me twice to let someone else clean for me.  Because I needed to be out between 8-noon, I didn't do my normal early morning walk.  

I had no particular plan so headed to McDonalds for breakfast.  But the menu doesn't seem to include yogurt or anything remotely healthy.  Instead I found a shady seat on the outdoor McDonald's patio, which seems to be used as a waiting area for tourists taking the HOHO buses.  

I enjoyed people-watching for awhile and was approached by several vendors selling hats and inexpensive jewelry.  One criticism of Bocagrande is how aggressive the street and beach vendors are but I haven't found that.  So far a smile and "gracias pero no" sends them on their way.

It was starting to get warm on the patio, even in the shade, so I headed up the street, to look for the small store to buy water.  On the way, I spotted the Luxury Concept Peluqueria Spa.  I got there around 9 and they were just opening.  The receptionist told me if I was willing to wait 10 minutes or so I could get a pedicure.

Sure enough, 10 minutes later the nail tech arrived.  The pedicure was almost exactly what I'm used to in the US - complete with massage chair with attached bubbling foot bath.  Except it only cost about $6 for a 50 minute pedicure.

While my toes were being pampered I asked if I could get a shampoo and haircut, too.  Sure!  In addition to the shampoo I got a 20 minute head massage with some sort of conditioner.  Then, one of the best haircuts I've had in awhile followed by an excellent blow dry.  Total cost was $38 and I now have an appointment for next Wednesday for a pedicure, shampoo/head massage and blow dry.  Wednesdays may now be my favorite day of the week.

Here are some photos...

One of the cruise ships coming in to dock.  

ATMs here, as in many countries, are in a small room.  There was a man standing in the doorway when I arrived so I hung back and waited.  A couple of minutes later, the man opened the door fully for a woman to pass and waved to motion me in.  I was a bit leery since this isn't the normal procedure but when I got to where I could see inside, I understood.  This guy was repairing one of the ATMs and the other guy was his partner.  I took out more than a million.  Ok, it was a bit over $100.  

My view of one of the HOHO buses.  There's also a larger, double decker  HOHO.

This is the restaurant where I've eaten twice.  Technically, I've ordered delivery twice.  Excellent roasted chicken.

The spa was very nice.  And cool.

The setting and staff are on a par with spas in the USA but so much cheaper.

Soakin' the toes.

I tried to imagine myself sitting on one of those low, rolling chairs.  I fear a broken hip would be involved.

See the white thing in the background?  A woman is getting a shampoo in that thing.  That's where I got my shampoo.  It is a massaging lounge chair and the white plastic thing has soothing colored lights that change colors while you're getting shampooed and massaged.  When I am rich I am buying one.  And hiring the amazing woman who did the treatment.

SHHH!  Keep your voices down, please.  We're relaxing here.  I almost fell asleep while she blow dried my hair.

Gotta love the auto translation.  Please note these are your choices for chicken.  Would you prefer 1 pope or 2 arepas.  And, Choose Your Prey?   And, I don't know about you but I don't think I've ever seen a ham leg on a chicken.  I have seen a breast wing before.  I opted for no gloves, which is a common option in many countries when eating fast food chicken.

Some days, the ocean is Caribbean blue.  Some days, it looks like this.

Just chillin' and a rainbow appeared on the living room floor.

This vent is between my laundry room and the hallway where the elevators are, which means I can hear everything from the hall.  Happily, it is almost always quiet in the hall.   

Speaking of dinner of roasted chicken and potatoes.  I ordered Guacamole and got a piece of avocado. It's like the Ikea of fast food. I added grape tomatoes from the fridge.  It was delicious.  Delivery took 10 minutes.  I have plenty more chicken for tomorrow and total cost was less than $12.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

January 7, 2025 - Yes, This Could be the Most Boring Blog Ever

I'm 74. I'm getting into my old lady groove in Cartagena.  Which means a long early walk followed by a lot of lounging around.  Exactly what I dreamed of for "Sea days".  The "feels like" temp is going to be 102F today.  That's 39C.  Perfect weather for enjoying the views from the shade.  While not moving more than necessary.  Doesn't make for dramatic blog content but works for me.  

Here are some photos from my walk this morning and the pizza I had delivered for lunch.This evening, Juan Carlos (JC) will be taking me to the Old City to see the Christmas lights, so I'll be adding those later.

There are lots of restaurants and bars nearby.

I've found the American Dream.

There are also a lot of spas, some in hotels like this one.   I thought I had an appointment this morning at a nearby spa for a pedicure ($6!).  But when I showed up for my 9:15 a.m. appointment (made/confirmed online) I discovered they don't open until 9:30.  Ah, well.  My toes will wait for another day.

Highly rated restaurant and colorful!  

Not surprisingly in a touristy beach town, there are a lot of fast food options.  I've visited two.  It took 30 minutes in one and 45 in another.

This chain seems to be what 7/11 is to Bangkok.  They are everywhere and a convenient option instead of a larger grocery store.  

Many of the restaurants have both indoor and outdoor seating.  Walking in the sun mid-day is brutal, but it is lovely to sit in the shade.

Another parrilla.

Another casino! 

If the local pizza options don't appeal, how about a US chain?

Like most places, the majority of restaurants are fast/casual.  But there options at all price ranges.

I'm telling you, Juan Valdez is everywhere! This one has a lovely patio.

There's also indoor seating.

Anybody remember the Jeno's pizza rolls and mixes from the '60's?  My family had them every Friday night.  Jeno Paulucci owned both Chung King and Jeno's Pizza.  I only know that because Mr. Paulucci moved into commercial real estate and helped build Heathrow, Florida.  Other factoid - Mr. Paulucci's daughter had a multi-million dollar home in Heathrow that was swallowed by a sink hole.  Anyway, I think the names are a coincidence.

Decent reviews and this place makes fancy cocktails, some with smoke!

A sort of food court, perhaps?  Four restaurants under one roof.

Oh, thank goodness.  It just isn't a city unless they have Dominos. Fun factoid!  In Africa and Asia, corn is very popular on pizza.  I don't know why but it is.  

This place looks good.  Interesting menu, good reviews and delivery.

I wish I owned an emerald store in Colombia.

Cartagena loves parrilla!

And, outdoor seating.  Works for me.

So many options.

This is a grocery store.  To me, the logo looks like it should be a gas station.

Just me or does it seem unusual that the two largest grocery stores in the area are almost across the street from each other?  Both are open 24 hours.  

I'm not obsessed with pizza restaurants, there are just a lot of them.

Doesn't look like too much from the outside but great reviews and the menu looks good.  The internet says it has outdoor dining.  Fancy octopus, here I come!

"My" grocery store.  Easy enough to walk to but a bit far to carry groceries home.  

Co-working spots have come to Cartagena.

I love the flowers.  

There are some amazing looking condo buildings here.  I'm planning to look at real estate while I'm here and wanted to research this place.

This appears to be a private home.  A rarity in this neighborhood of high rises, if true.

Another pizza place - with great reviews and outdoor seating.

I took the long way to the malecon.  What a view to start the day.

A freighter heading out to sea.

That's El Laguito in the distance.  More condos with great views.

I found the dog park!  Which also seems to be a kid park.

2 on 2 game in the park.

Interesting architecture.

In addition to basketball were guys sparring.

Near the malecon and sea views are lots of places to sit in the shade.

Once again, the sidewalk turns into parking spaces.

Another place that appears to be a private home.  That's some valuable real estate.

It seems watch cats are a thing here.

This was at the corner where I slipped and almost fell this morning.  I do NOT want to break a leg in a foreign country again.

Feels like being back in the States.

Yup - more pizza.

The toilets at the beach are not fancy.

This place faces the beach and has outdoor seating but not great reviews.  I thought this line in a review was funny "Great cocktails and high chairs."

Once again, the sidewalk ends when the parking begins.  

ROFL.  When I took this I thought it looked a bit artsy with the beach umbrellas in the foreground.  Now that I see it...I see something very different.

Tired of this view yet?  I'm not.

They do a deep clean of the pool once a week.

I've used this service for food delivery a couple of times.  Fast and cheap.

Los hombres de la basura.  Trash men.  With this heat it would be easy to have trash smell everywhere but these guys do a great job.

What, you thought I could just keep walking past all those pizza joints?

I ordered this 8 slice veggie pizza with extra cheese on Rappi.  It was delivered in 35 minutes, piping hot and delicious.  Cost about $11, all in.  Having cheap, good food delivery is so convenient.  And dangerous for my diet.

While I was enjoying my pizza, I looked out at the pool, where the guy had been cleaning, alone.  And saw what appeared to be a floating body.  I raced out to the balcony about the same time as he sat up.  And I saw he had a snorkel.  They take pool cleaning seriously.

After they opened the very clean pool, this woman and her husband brought their two babies to swim.  Very clever infant holders with sunshades.