Thursday, February 27, 2025

February 27, 2025 - I'm Home!

 I'm home!  I was very sad to leave Cartagena yesterday, but it was time.  And I always love coming home.

Here's some important info.  You can take a 3 hour direct flight on Spirit from Orlando/Cartagena.  Or you can take an 8 hour flight on American Airlines.  More on that later.

I was up for about 22 hours yesterday.  It was a good, easy trip overall, but I'm pooped.  I've gotten groceries and set up my new Chromebook so I can type again!!!!!  I'm planning to veg by the pool with a book by my new favorite author Charles Martin.  I'll be adding details and photos of the last couple of days later.

Thanks to Nora and Eric for leaving my house and dog better than you found them! 

Monday, February 24, 2025

February 23 & 24, 2025 - Lunch in La Boquilla

 I chilled yesterday.  Today, visited La Serrazuela mall, bought some candy to take home and enjoyed a long lunch on the beach.  Tomorrow is the spa, followed by a massage in my apartment, so today was my last time with Juan Carlos, other than Wednesday, when he drops me at the airport.

It's only been two months.  But it feels like I have a new life and routine here that I'm really going to miss.  Will I be back?  Absolutely!  This trip has been all I hoped for, and more.    

Now, a few photos.

I love Google Translate.  Then I discovered that people actually eat pork and glazed donut sandwiches. I can't explain alien toast or sandwich tombs.

Excellent bowl of chilled leftovers - baked chicken, beets, potato, blue cheese and avocado.

The sea turns brown when it's windy.  This was my view for much of Sunday.

The skies were gray and overcast at 5:30 a.m.

But it got clearer.

There's an online form to complete before leaving the country. I have no middle name.  But apparently my name is now Nancy Magsig Magsig Magsig.

Most of the form was in English, but not all. 

I love the Spanglish.

La Serrezuela is worth a visit.  It started as a bullfighting ring.  That is still there, but modernized and is used as a concert venue.  The mall is circular and built around the ring, on 4 levels.  Filled with mostly designer and high-end stores.

That modified VW bus sells ice cream.

The railings are glass.  Given my fear of heights, it creeped me out a bit.

That's part of the bullring/concert venue on the left.

It is a unique structure that reflects the old and the modern that represents Cartagena.

I love the Old City.  The architecture, colors and views are remarkable.  But the crowds and traffic are a lot.  Drivers here drive slowly and are patient.  As I waited for JC to come and get me, I watched the silver car try to go left, but changed his mind, backed up and made a right turn.  Which required the yellow taxi (who was illegally parked) to back up.  This all took a couple of minutes.  There was no honking, no yelling.  Just drivers figuring out how to make it work.

As we approached the beach, I thought this was a kite surfer then realized it had an engine.

Sundays are busy at the beach.  But by lunch time on Monday, trash was bagged and ready to be picked up.

That's Marbella in the distance.  It's just before the Old City.

The beach was almost empty.

JC and I had the second floor to ourselves for about an hour before two other customers arrived.

This place is great.  If you want good prices, great food and a local experience, this is a great choice.

I'm betting that within ten years this entire beach will be covered in high rises.

Me, JC and the restaurant's owner.  

Patacones, French fries, coconut rice, crabs, shrimp, langoustines, shrimp, fish and a tiny bit of salad. Along with two water and seafood soup was $50.

We put a good dent in it.

So peaceful.  A 15 minute drive from the Old City.

Roland - I thought of you while I was waiting for the Cajero in Olimpica.


30 minutes later.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

February 22, 2025 - Time is Winding Down

 I'm spending the remainder of my time here soaking up the view and just chilling before I head home on Wednesday.  I've done the touristy stuff and now just repeating stuff I enjoy here - walks on the beach, reading on the balcony and lots of time watching the ocean.  Not very exciting for the blog but very enjoyable.  My biggest dilemma today is whether to order pizza or tacos for dinner.  Life is good.

Here are a few photos.

The beach, just before sunrise, is the best.

You may recognize this view of the Old City from previous posts, lol.

One of the many seagulls on the beach.

The next section of the beach isn't walkable now. Beach erosion has gotten worse since I arrived in January.  

It hasn't rained since early January.  We've had a few clouds but also sun, every day.

"Here comes the sun..."

That's my building, Morros City, in the center.  41 stories.  I highly recommend it.  The staff have been consistently friendly and helpful.  It really does feel like home here.

Sad to see the erosion.  That's about a 6 foot drop to the water.

This is a Maria Mulatta.  There are several statues of this bird around the city.

They started with sandbags.  Now, boulders are being added to stop the erosion.

The Cartagena Dubai is distinctive and makes it easy to spot my building, which is the next block.

He's here selling inflatable toys, every morning.

How artsy is this?  Looking at the lifeguard building, viewed through the giant cement box that will be buried, holding the big black plastic tubes for dark water.

I assume this is for rain water to drain from the street to the beach.

The giant TV was on early at this restaurant on the beach.

If the menu is in US dollars, like this one, chances are you're paying too much.

But it is right on the beach and has a breezy upstairs deck.

I was tempted with Rappi delivery but made the Colombian version of Kraft Mac and Cheese and had some leftover beets and a ripe avocado.  Tasty.

Another consistently beautiful sunset.

I'm going to miss the fireworks that happen every few nights.