Tuesday, February 4, 2025

February 3, 2025 - Oops, A Late Post

 I wish I could say that Roland and I spent the entire day doing something fabulous and that's why this post is a day late.  Sadly, that wasn't the case.  I ate or drank something that didn't agree with my guts.  Roland was also a bit sick but he's younger, stronger and only drank half of his sugar cane juice, which is what we think was the culprit.

In any case, I lounged all day, close to the bathroom.  This was hardly my first experience with a bad stomach so I just took it easy, drank a lot of water and had "white food" for dinner - a bit of chicken and plain pasta.  

I slept long and hard last night and woke up feeling exponentially better.  We'd already planned a quiet day for today, since Roland leaves tomorrow, sadly.   Tomorrow will be another quiet day but more company arrives on Thursday for a long weekend, so we'll be back to more photos.

Here's what I've got for yesterday.

We did go out long enough for Roland to check out the fancy store, Carulla.  He bought treats to take home and I got more water.   We didn't buy this octopus.

We also didn't buy fish but did buy a couple of donuts and a very delicious almond croissant that we shared.

We played Skip-Bo.  I was up 2 games and feeling pretty cocky but he won the deciding game.  Today will be another story!

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