Tuesday, February 4, 2020

January 30, 2020 - 7 Oceans, 7 Continents

I did it!  As of this morning at about 8:00 a.m.  I've been to seven continents and all seven oceans.  The continents (a matter of great debate in my Peace Corps training village) are Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia, Africa and Antarctica.  I have set foot on each of them.  Except Antarctica.  I'm not able to actually walk on the continent this trip but I was close enough to throw a rock at it so it counts in my book.

The Peace Corps discussion, BTW, was because one of our group held the firm opinion (incorrectly) that Oceana is a continent and Australia is not.  As we argued for many sweaty hours, a continent by definition is a large land mass.  Oceana is a region not a continent.  Congratulations, Australia.

The oceans are North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Southern Ocean.

I'll be honest, I'd never heard of the Southern Ocean until this trip.  It is the ocean which surrounds Antarctica.  And here I am, sailing on it.  I'm living proof that dreams do come true.


  1. Thanks for telling us about this ”leg” of your trip. It sounds very calming watching all the sea life. Also, thanks for the geography lesson. I've always thought I was good at geography but I've never heard of Southern Ocean. Probably because that part of the world didn't appeal to me but I need to rethink that😊 Ushuaia, the southernmost city of the world, was the windiest place I've ever been! The cruise line ran a rope from the ship to the passenger terminal to hold on while making your way back & forth. Enjoy the stop and trip around the Cape! Thanks for sharing you photos and adventures with us!

    1. Thanks, Stella70001. Glad it's not so windy here today. Please let me know if you've been to the other ports we'll be visiting and have suggestions.
