Tuesday, January 21, 2025

January 21, 2025 - I Didn't Go Fishing But There Were Fish Involved

I had no idea what to expect today when Juan Carlos picked me up to go fishing.  My understanding was I would not have to climb on the rocks of the seawall and poles would be involved.  That did not happen. I don't know why and don't really care.  Instead, we drove out the main road, past the airport to an inlet where men were fishing with nets.

We stayed, watching and chatting with the fishermen, for about an hour.  Then we headed toward Boquilla.  I thought we were going to watch more guys fish but instead we drove into a small town where the people who work in Cartagena live.  

I hope you enjoy the photos from an excellent day.  I'll be adding more tomorrow, since tomorrow is my "spa day" and nobody wants more photos of me getting a pedicure.  Meanwhile, be sure to check out the videos at the end of this post.  Impressive technique.

A typical start to my day.

With a view that I love.

Another gourmet lunch.

See the bridge over Cielo Mar?  That's where we were.

Juan Carlos explained the geography of the area and why this was a good place to fish but I didn't get the details.  Have I mentioned we only speak Spanish?   The guy with the yellow cap was fishing.  The guy in the white hat came over to help get the fish out of the net.

Although we were very close to the airport and next to a busy highway, the area is beautiful.  It's about 15 minutes from my apartment.

They caught several of these small crabs and threw them back.  They look like the blue crabs that places charge a fortune for in Florida.  

This little guy lived another day.

Some casts, he got one fish.  Some, he got none.  Occasionally, he got 5-7.  He sells them for about $14 for ten.  I've tried fishing with a net for bait fish in Florida.  It takes practice and requires a lot of core strength.

That's the opening where the water comes in from an adjoining body of water.  I didn't know the word he used - it wasn't lake or bay- and I can't figure it out from Google maps.  

This yellow railing is between a narrow sidewalk and the water.  I'm not sure what the thing is that they were standing on.  Some sort of filter?  Gate system?  Dunno.  But it has clearly been there awhile.

I ducked the first time a plane took off.  Did I mention the airport is a stone's throw away?

The fish are small.  About 10 inches long and a few inches in diameter.  I think they were mullet but my lack of knowledge of both Spanish and fish is showing.

Good cast!  He got several this time.  If you've ever tried to take a fish out of a net, it is not easy without tearing the net.  These guys were fast and never stopped working.

As with other local people I've met here, the fishermen were friendly and didn't mind me taking photos and watching.  

Note the clothing.  One guy who came to stand next to me was wearing a hoodie, with hood up.  The "feels like" temperature was 99.  Sun protection.

Watching these guys was like watching a ballet.  This is how they make a living and they moved smoothly, never tangling the nets even though they were throwing them so close together at times. 

I was trying to get a shot of the plane and didn't even notice the ambulance passing on the highway.


Before they threw the nets, they watched the water. The tide was going out and "upstream" I could see tons of tiny bait fish jumping, and headed our way.  But I couldn't see anything where they were throwing the nets.

Most of the men were fishing from the bridge but two guys were throwing their nets from the shore, next to the blue boat.  Even though I saw most of the bait fish jumping near the shore these guys didn't seem to be doing any better than the guys on the bridge.

A bucket of fish.

They didn't talk to each other much and didn't stop, except to wait for whatever signs made them throw the net.  He's taking a fish out, to toss in the bucket and cast again.
Fishing from shore.  Not a pole to be seen.

The location reminded me of bass fishing next to the 408 and Executive airport in Orlando.

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