My landlady asked me to vacate the apartment on Wednesday mornings so the cleaning woman could do her thing. You don't have to ask me twice to let someone else clean for me. Because I needed to be out between 8-noon, I didn't do my normal early morning walk.
I had no particular plan so headed to McDonalds for breakfast. But the menu doesn't seem to include yogurt or anything remotely healthy. Instead I found a shady seat on the outdoor McDonald's patio, which seems to be used as a waiting area for tourists taking the HOHO buses.
I enjoyed people-watching for awhile and was approached by several vendors selling hats and inexpensive jewelry. One criticism of Bocagrande is how aggressive the street and beach vendors are but I haven't found that. So far a smile and "gracias pero no" sends them on their way.
It was starting to get warm on the patio, even in the shade, so I headed up the street, to look for the small store to buy water. On the way, I spotted the Luxury Concept Peluqueria Spa. I got there around 9 and they were just opening. The receptionist told me if I was willing to wait 10 minutes or so I could get a pedicure.
Sure enough, 10 minutes later the nail tech arrived. The pedicure was almost exactly what I'm used to in the US - complete with massage chair with attached bubbling foot bath. Except it only cost about $6 for a 50 minute pedicure.
While my toes were being pampered I asked if I could get a shampoo and haircut, too. Sure! In addition to the shampoo I got a 20 minute head massage with some sort of conditioner. Then, one of the best haircuts I've had in awhile followed by an excellent blow dry. Total cost was $38 and I now have an appointment for next Wednesday for a pedicure, shampoo/head massage and blow dry. Wednesdays may now be my favorite day of the week.
Here are some photos...
One of the cruise ships coming in to dock. |
ATMs here, as in many countries, are in a small room. There was a man standing in the doorway when I arrived so I hung back and waited. A couple of minutes later, the man opened the door fully for a woman to pass and waved to motion me in. I was a bit leery since this isn't the normal procedure but when I got to where I could see inside, I understood. This guy was repairing one of the ATMs and the other guy was his partner. I took out more than a million. Ok, it was a bit over $100. |
My view of one of the HOHO buses. There's also a larger, double decker HOHO. |
This is the restaurant where I've eaten twice. Technically, I've ordered delivery twice. Excellent roasted chicken. |
The spa was very nice. And cool. |
The setting and staff are on a par with spas in the USA but so much cheaper. |
Soakin' the toes. |
I tried to imagine myself sitting on one of those low, rolling chairs. I fear a broken hip would be involved. |
See the white thing in the background? A woman is getting a shampoo in that thing. That's where I got my shampoo. It is a massaging lounge chair and the white plastic thing has soothing colored lights that change colors while you're getting shampooed and massaged. When I am rich I am buying one. And hiring the amazing woman who did the treatment. |
SHHH! Keep your voices down, please. We're relaxing here. I almost fell asleep while she blow dried my hair. |
Gotta love the auto translation. Please note these are your choices for chicken. Would you prefer 1 pope or 2 arepas. And, Choose Your Prey? And, I don't know about you but I don't think I've ever seen a ham leg on a chicken. I have seen a breast wing before. I opted for no gloves, which is a common option in many countries when eating fast food chicken. |
Some days, the ocean is Caribbean blue. Some days, it looks like this. |
Just chillin' and a rainbow appeared on the living room floor. |
This vent is between my laundry room and the hallway where the elevators are, which means I can hear everything from the hall. Happily, it is almost always quiet in the hall. |
Speaking of dinner of roasted chicken and potatoes. I ordered Guacamole and got a piece of avocado. It's like the Ikea of fast food. I added grape tomatoes from the fridge. It was delicious. Delivery took 10 minutes. I have plenty more chicken for tomorrow and total cost was less than $12. |
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