Saturday, July 10, 2010

Medically Deferred

I knew it couldn't be good news when I checked my application status and under medical it said that they'd reached a decision and I should wait impatiently by the mailbox for the slowest form of communication possible...snail mail. Well, that's not exactly how they said it, but it did mean waiting for letter to arrive to tell me the decision.

Temporarily medically deferred. I did great on all the medical tests except one. That one was slightly outside the "normal" range and my doc wasn't concerned but the PC wants me in tiptop shape, and said that as soon as I can get that number under control, they'll review my medical file again. As frustrating as it was not to get an "all clear", I understand the need to make sure volunteers are in good health.

So I started meds yesterday and on July 26th will be heading back to the doctor for more "blood work" (sounds like a good name for a thriller, doesn't it?) and to have the doctor write a plan to explain how we'll manage this for the next 27 months.

I started fretting about what that would mean. Staying on meds for something that has no symptoms? Getting blood tests periodically to make sure I'm in the zone? What will that mean to my placement? Will they let me in?

I decided to stop worrying. I might still make the Pacific Islands in September (my nomination.) I might not. The Peace Corps might place me someplace else. They might not.

Hopefully, at the end of the month, I'll submit new paperwork demonstrating my stellar good health. At that point, it's out of my hands and worrying/wondering and considering all the options won't help.

In the meantime, I'm working on an interesting project and enjoying all the comforts of home.


  1. Oh bother. I understand the requirement for volunteers who are in good health...I also understand disappointment. As always, your positive attitude shines through. I'm really glad you have an interesting project to concentrate on while you do what's in front of you to move forward. Thanks for the update. Paula

  2. Focus on that project, but do not forget to jump through those bureaucratic hoops. Keep in mind that there are volunteers health challenges with chronic for which they take a lot of medications and they are actively serving. You'll make it; just not without some detours.

  3. I went throught this too and got my orginal nomination revoked but it was such a blessing because now Im going to Samoa with you in october!!! Phhewy to Latin America in August ahah I get the beach! But I imagine getting this news was as hard for you as it was for me and its good to know we both came out better on the other end!

  4. I would not worry. This is PC BS to establish a baseline so when you get sick and most med-seps are from gastrointestinal problems--so people usually get sick, they can point to service rather than prior existing conditions.

    As a RPCV--I cannot speak highly for in-country med support so it's up to each PCV to take of themselves and friends. Please be careful and good luck
