Monday, March 15, 2010

Just a few more needles!

I'm very excited to report that after two visits to the dentist this week and a trip to the Department of Health, I'll be submitting my final paperwork. I can't say I'm looking forward to more needles, but it will be worth it, in the end.

Today involved six needles at the dentist, since the first batch didn't numb everything. Or, because Dr. Rogers has a mean streak. Perhaps I shouldn't joke about the guy that's going to be sticking more needles in my mouth. Hopefully, later in the week will be better.

Wednesday means a visit to the Health Department to get a MMR booster, better known as Measles, Mumps and Rubella. The PC requires two boosters, but the nurse at the Health Department said that because of my age, I only need one. I know I've had measles and mumps. Seems it was common in the '50s for kids to get them. So, when I submit my paperwork, I'll clarify whether or not I need two. I don't care about the needles as much as I do the $115 fee, per shot.

BTW, who knew that the Health Department seems to be the only place to get the MMR boosters. My doctor referred me there and so I called a pediatrician (thanks for the referral, Margaret!) thinking I just needed to talk to someone used to dealing with younger patients, but nope, just got another referral to the Health Department.

Luckily I'm working at home this week so can adjust my hours to accommodate the visits.

I'm hopeful that once I submit the final paperwork, I'll get the formal invitation, which gives me the date of departure and my destination country within 4-6 weeks.

I still have the occasional moments of "what the heck am I doing", but overall am absolutely committed. Or should be committed. In any case, I can't wait to get the show on the road.

Take care, everyone. I hope you're doing well in navigating your own river.

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