Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Escape!

You think you take your work home with you?  Today was officially the last day of school for my first year.  I’m ready for some time off, which will start Saturday with a girls’ road trip around Upolu.  I’ll be driving!

But just to reinforce how ready I am for some anonymity and time away from the village…I strolled into my bathroom this evening to do what people do in bathrooms.  I heard giggles.  Then I heard voices.

“Hi, Nancy.  How are you?”  One of the few English phrases my Year 1 neighbor knows by heart. 

She and her friends were standing outside my bathroom, talking to me through the gap between my bathroom wall and the roof.  The same gap that let in the rain last night and gave me a refreshing shower at 3:13 a.m.

“Nancy, where are you going?”  That’s a standard question that’s used here much as we say “How are you?”  Nobody really expects you to answer the question, it’s just a conversation starter.  Except in this case, I just wanted to pee and not practice English with three of my school kids.

I hated to be rude but really didn’t want to chat.  I just said “See you later!”  They giggled and ran off.

I made the mistake of telling a friend about it.  We’re sharing a room this weekend and I just know that every time I go to the bathroom she and the other ladies will be calling my name and offering to chat.  If they do, they’d better be prepared for paybacks.   I’m bringing saran wrap to surprise the next toilet user. Heh, heh, heh.

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