Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Living Your Dreams

I walked with a friend recently and we talked about people we know who live their dreams and people who postpone them or don't think they're possible.

I'm big on going beyond what feels safe and comfortable to make your dreams come true, even if it feels really scary. One of my favorite quotes is from Mark Twain:

So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

In an earlier post I mentioned my friend Kim who left the corporate world to live her dream of being a singer/songwriter. Good for you, Kim!

Today, I'd like to congratulate another friend who's making her dreams come true. Gail Aldrich "retired" from corporate life, with the dream of making a difference by working on Boards of charitable organizations. She's doing just that. Congratulations to Gail, who was recently elected Vice Chair of AARP. That's a HUGE accomplishment and I'm proud you're my friend. You can read about Gail in this newspaper article

Those are just two women I know who threw off the bowlines and headed into open waters. Neither of their dreams involve living with no electricity or running water. Once again shows I may be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

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