Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mail From Medical

I picked up my mail today on my way to run some errands. Immediately spotted the Peace Corps return address and decided to wait until I got home to open the envelope. My resolve lasted about 30 seconds until I hit a red light, then I was ripping that puppy open.

The good news is that this is the first time I've heard from the PC medical folks. All in all, the news doesn't seem too bad. I need a couple of more blood tests. I got the Hep B surface test, but not the Hep B core test. Who knew there were two? The Dr. also missed checking two boxes on the form. Not sure how that happened since the Dr. double checked, her PA double checked and I triple checked. Perhaps because there were 437 pages of forms?

I'm seeing the Dr. and visiting my friends at the lab next week, so should be able to fax everything back by the end of the week. Hopefully, that will be all required for me to be medically cleared. Next step is placement and (hopefully) an invitation.

So, I'm still on tenterhooks, waiting for if/when I get the invitation. BTW, I've always wondered what a tenterhook was. Seems the term goes back to the 14th century and refers to a tool used in making woolen cloth. I'm sure that tidbit of information will be someone.

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