Wednesday, February 12, 2025

January 12, 2025 - Spa, Massage and Drama

 I have to be out of my apartment every Wednesday so Noemi can clean.  I know, it is a burden, lol.  This morning my plan was to spend a few minutes in the lobby before heading to get my spa on.  

But...drama in the lobby.  I won't bore you with the details but I spent 90 minutes watching events unfold as two women tried to get to a boat for a day trip.  A bus was waiting at the curb, the husband didn't show as planned, the bus wouldn't wait more than 20 minutes and the women wouldn't leave without the husband.  Eventually the women left and the husband never came down.  Did I mention the wife and husband don't speak the same language and were using a translating service to talk?  I feel sorriest for the tour guide, who the ladies somehow decided was completely at fault for not making a bus load of other tourists wait until the husband decided to arrive.  I hope they all ended up having a good day.

After 1 1/2 months here, I feel like part of the neighborhood.  JC hangs out at a taxi stand near my apartment so I chatted with him for a few minutes on my way to the spa.  Then, I talked with a hat vendor, who likes to practice his English with me.  It is a daily thing.  Then the "bird man" and I greeted each other.  He likes to feed the pigeons each morning.  Yesterday I showed him a video from my "bird cam" at home. 

Once at the spa, the receptionist said "The usual?"  Yes, please.  I love change and new experiences but am also a fan of the comfort of routine.

After a shampoo, blow dry, mani/pedi (with tips, less than $40) I strolled home just in time to get a massage from Juanita.  

I'm so exhausted from all the effort, I think I'll just spend the afternoon reading and order Rappi for dinner.  Tacos?  Sushi?  Pizza?  Chinese?  So many choices.

Tomorrow will be another quiet day taking care of some paperwork and stuff.  Friday I'm planning to visit an historic village, settled by the freed slaves.  

A few photos...

That's the moon, at about 6:30 this morning.

There were more clouds this morning.

The quiet lobby.

More drama.  That's a new arepa vendor across from my apartment.  Normally, there's a different vendor.  That guy was pushing his cart up the street, looking very annoyed.  I'll have to get the scoop from JC on Friday.

This is the cat who lives at Crepes and Waffles, near my apartment.  Good food, HUGE menu, gluten free options and a nice patio.

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