Friday, September 9, 2011

The Visit Was Divine

I have 30 minutes before I have to be in training, here in Apia, so this will be brief.

HB arrived on schedule and she got the whole Samoan experience.  A fiafia at the school, sea tutles, sleeping in an over-the-water bungalow...the list goes on.

I was a bit under the weather when she arrived and have gotten worse.  Luckily since I'm in Apia and the PC doctor is here to do close of service physicals on the volunteers leaving over the next few months, I got to see him.  Got a bunch of drugs and a diagnosis of a cold and upper resperatory infection.  I also have what appears to be a pre-cancerous growth on my face so will see a specialist when I'm in Auckland at Christmas.

If it seems that I've been sick a lot, it's true.  Nothing major and nothing anyone who works with young children doesn't experience.  Snot happens.

Bottom line, it was great to see HB, who was an adventurous, cheerful and flexible guest.  She brought a ton of goodies for me and the school and the time with her as "Nancy, the Tourist" instead of "Nancy, the PCV" was a very welcome break.

I hope you can make it again before I leave, HB!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! We are on an island too! Nantucket. It's quite cool here. Home in a week
