Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Wednesday, February 7, Hilo Hawaii

 What a great day in Hilo.  I didn't sleep well last night so hoped to sleep in.  But at about 6 a.m. it felt like the ship hit a series of speed bumps.  Hard.  I got up, threw open the blinds (after putting on a robe - I learned my lesson!) and saw a pink mountain.  The views just kept getting better as we docked.

I'd planned to take the free shuttle to the Farmers' Market.  But it required tickets and a wait of 45 minutes.  The taxi line wanted $20 so I called Uber which was less than $10.  And, two minutes away.  That's how I met Brian.  Long story short, Jolanda and Bernd joined me for a two hour ride along the north coast to see the sites.  What a lovely time, with amazing scenery.  Plus, Brian was knowledgeable about the area and was very accommodating.

Photos!  Lots and lots of photos which can't do justice to the beauty of the area.

This strawberry yogurt with granola and strawberry compote is not a regular item on the menu.  But Gus brought it, without me ordering, because he's really good at his job and cares.  I'm going to struggle at home after being so spoiled

This is Bernd with the ship in the background.  Far in the background.  Sorry, Bernd it was hard to see!

Waves were high and there were a lot of surfers.  Parking is limited

The waves don't look so big until you realize they're way bigger than the surfers

This is a county beach with a lifeguard station

This is a car hauler.  To move your car from island to island either for purchase or repair

Yes, I think I could be happy living here if anyone wants to buy me a house in the neighborhood

Bad photo but I really liked this gate made of driftwood

This bridge goes over a river that flows into the ocean

This area is a topical rain forest.  Everything is green, including this wall

These photos don't really show how green, lush, beautiful and alive this area is

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