Monday, October 18, 2010

Cranky in Paradise

I'm having my first cranky day here in paradise.  Lots of reasons, none of them worth being cranky over.  Certainly not worth writing about.  But I will anyway.  Imagine moving from the lap of U.S. luxury where your friends are over 50 and you're not with them 24/7.  Then imagine trying to learn 30-50 new words a day in a language that looks like Sesame Street lost it's consonants. It can be cranky making.   Like I said, nothing really wrong, just looking forward to a better night's sleep tonight and a brighter smile tomorrow.

The good news, I was finally able to load my video of the fiafia onto YouTube.  It was a good time and the video doesn't do it justice.  I also didn't get any photos of the food (so unlike me) but, hey, when you get that many PC volunteers/trainees together, you do NOT hesitate when it comes to getting at the food.

Ok, I've finished my homework and I'm taking the night off from studying vocabulary.  I now can introduce myself, saying where I'm from and who my parents are; I can count to ten (if I peek at my notes); I can say the days of the week (no peeking required) and I can greet people, ask how they are, tell them how I am and say goodbye.  I've got tons of other words that I half know.

Tomorrow, I'll have to find out how to say "cranky" in Samoan.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, my only regret having started my new program is that I have less time to read and respond to your blogs! Your Sesame Street line made me laugh out loud. Embrace the "cranky," Nancy. It's rare for you, and it is a character in the story of your life. Let it play out when it needs to, and the change in your perspective from usually bright and optimistic to...cranky...will shed light on something otherwise hidden or overlooked. I was so cranky on Sunday I didn't even want to walk out the front door--for no apparent reason. You'll feel better Monday, and perhaps you'll have the hindsight to realize how funny this posting was. Thank you! Cherish this experience. "Wow" is all I can are so lucky to be there!

    Love, Lauren
