Saturday, May 21, 2011

ESC Continues

This picture is part of an educational poster about food.  There are also posters about animals and fruits.  Why they included "wine" is beyond me.  Must be good wine, though.  You rarely get a good head of foam on the cheap wine. 

It's Saturday morning and I just got dressed and cleaned my hotel room.  Because we're having training in my room, along with 3 other rooms.   What could be better than language training on Saturday after a week of training?

Can you tell I'm ready for training to be over?  It's been actually more helpful than our initial training.  That's in part because I've been in the village and taught, so I am a more prepared learner.  But after a week in a classroom together, I'm ready for it to be over.

I am enjoying being just a short walk away from both Farmer Joe's, which has the most palagi food in the country and the open air market which sells fresh fruit and vegetables.  Admittedly, not much is in season this time of year, but I've gotten some oranges and fresh coconuts.

My diet is taking a beating because I'm eating all the stuff not available on my island.  I've had Chinese, Indian, pizza and steak.  I bought a tiny ribeye for $9.  It was so good I went back and bought another one.  I also bought some "blue brie" which is like Cambozola.  Brie is ordinarily $16 for a small container.  Because today is the expiration date on it, it was on sale for $5.  I bought two.  I spread the word and there was a lot of brie eating going on last night. 

I invited Tavita, our Samoan training manager for dinner last night.  I made steak, glazed carrots, nuked potatoes and onions.  We had a lovely "date" in the courtyard of the hotel, with most of the other volunteers enjoying adult beverages on the balcony overlooking the courtyard.  Since Tavita is 28 and engaged, it wasn't exactly a date date.  We did have an excellent conversation, though, and it was a nice way to spend my Friday night.

Shortly before he left, two of the volunteers came in from a dinner out and warned him not to drive since police were doing breathalizer tests on every driver just in front of our hotel.  Since he'd had a couple of beers that could have been bad.  But, he was prepared and had gotten a ride to the hotel and was taking a cab home.

Ok, enough procrastinating.  I'm off to breakfasat, which, for the fifth day in a row will be papaya, banana, coconut and white toast with margarine and jam.  Boring but the lunches the hotel provides have been awesome and make up for it.  We've had fish in a citrus sauce, chicken in a soy/garlic marinade, pasta salad and yesterday was pasta carbonara.  Yum.  I've become friends with the chef and he gives me his recipes.  Yesterday I wished I hadn't asked.  The pasta sauce starts with whipping cream.  There is no whipping cream on my island and my hips are grateful.

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