Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm Fine!

Lew seemed concerned after my last blog post so I'd like to clarify.

I'm in excellent spirits. Other than a couple of minor things that I'm on antibiotics for, my health is great. I'm still 10 pounds lighter than when I arrived in Samoa and I want to keep that trend going.

The reason for the last entry is just to point out families of current and future volunteers that service is a roller coaster. The most frequent medical complaint for volunteers in many posts are related to mental health.

Since my arrival in Samoa my friends and family have been incredibly supportive. Emails, packages and listening to me whine endlessly about housing and lack of air conditioning have helped me sail over the rough spots.

Many of my friends say they wish they could serve but couldn't deal with leaving everything and putting up with some of the conditions volunteers face. The fact is, by keeping me in good spirits and lending their support, they ARE serving.

I hope every volunteer is as content and having as good a time as I am right now. Doesn't mean the roller coaster won't have more dips and curves but I know I'll come out ok.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that clarification and assurance!
    I should have known that you would be writing for the good of others.
    So, (back in the present) how is life with your own Internet connection?
