Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tuesday, February 13 - At Sea - Fat Tuesday

 I'm so proud, I didn't eat a thing yesterday!  No, I wasn't fasting.  Because we crossed the International Date Line, we moved from Sunday to Tuesday.  Monday did not exist.

Here's a secret...we're actually going to cross the IDL on Tuesday, but that means February 14 wouldn't exist.  And some of the romantics among us were upset that Valentine's Day wouldn't happen.  The Captain used his discretion to make February 12 disappear instead.  After all, it's not as if the IDL is a line drawn in the sand.  Or in our case, the sea.

The great part about this is while it may mess with my mind a bit to "lose" a day, it is much easier than losing an hour or two every day for weeks.

Today I slept until almost 7:30 a.m. which is unusual for me.  But great, since I haven't been sleeping well.  I took a quick shower then went to breakfast with Jolanda where I enjoyed a bowl of granola.

After breakfast was a long video call with Eric and Nora to discuss house issues, which they have under control.  Then walking, then cards. I'm happy to report I kicked Jolanda's butt in Skip Bo.  Don't feel sorry for her, we're about even, overall.

I met up with Carl and Marina (the metal detectors I hung out with in Honolulu) for lunch by the Sea View pool.  Sounds grim doesn't it?  LOL.  I really do love sea days.

I've spent much of the afternoon working on the blog.  On the balcony.  Life onboard is very, very good.

After lunch I got into the elevator, carrying a dessert.  There were three other people sharing the elevator.  One guy was eating a ice cream cone.  Another guy was carrying a plate full of cookies.  I'm an elevator talker so said "At least we won't starve if we get stuck" as the doors closed.  Chuckles.  Then the cookie guy said "I didn't eat anything on Monday".  Ice cream guy said "Well, it IS Fat Tuesday".  Laughs all around. This is a typical sort of elevator conversation.  For the most part people are very happy and social.  It is like summer camp for geezers.  It is wonderful.  Now...


Granola for breakfast.

I don't know who gets this boat in an emergency but it looks like you could water ski behind it

Perfect weather and calm seas

These are tiny rescue pods

I want the bread.  All the bread

The ice cream station wasn't open.  It is very, very popular

Fresh fruit is available 24/7.  Today, there were plums in another station

Antoine created flowers for Valentine's Day tomorrow

The bottom of a tender

Rotterdam is the home port not the name of the ship.  Although one of the dam ships is the Rotterdam

Stuff I see on my walks

Say, what?  Are they doing nitrous and not sharing?

This is not an optical illusion.  This is the back of the ship where the rail curves out

Stairway to heaven?

Another sunset

The eastern sky during the sunset

Dinner was Cajun themed and started with a jumbo shrimp cocktail with remoulade

I was hungry and it looked good so I started the Cajun-spiced redfish before I remembered to take a picture.  The main was excellent! Dessert was beinets but Dante, the chef, came out to chat so I forgot a photo

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