Sunday, October 14, 2012

More Photos

The new house in Pu'apu'a where one of the new group will live.  The pink house in the back is on stilts over the ocean.  That's where the principal lives.  I took the photo from the bus as we drove by. 
Year 8 boy, dressed as a girl.  The boys had a Miss Samoa contest.  Having men dress as women is really funny here.
This is Year 3.  Lofi, in the front is only 3 and the daughter of a teacher and my best friend.  She was terrified of me when I arrived but now spends most of her day following me around.
I'm in the back - we were preparing to march through the village in the early morning.  Singing and asking the village to give money to the teachers in honor of Teachers' Day.
Fundraising for the teachers continued with each class doing a tausala - dancing for money.  Parents and others gave us enough for $120 for each teacher and $200 each for the SRO and principal.  These two kids are Year 1.  Sooooo adorable.

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